West Haven High School

Location: West Haven, Connecticut
Area: 275,000 Square Feet
Completion: 2021

Antinozzi Associates conducted a facility audit of this school site in 2009 through the Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) for the West Haven School District and City of West Haven. Option 2, which became the leading option, would renovate only the gymnasium and auditorium areas. The remaining portions of the facility would be demolished to allow for a new central core of classrooms and support spaces. Based largely on our successful design, communication, and public relations efforts during this study, Antinozzi Associates was selected to provide the design and construction administration services for the $129.9M project. The groundbreaking for the rebuild and renovation took place in August 2017 as officials from the city, its contractors, state representatives and students used golden shovels to mark the day.

The existing 1963 school building combines one, two, and three story sections totaling almost 300,000 SF. In addition, the site accommodates an extensive athletic complex at the south end of the property. Occupied during the entire construction period, the majority of the new construction occurred in the common spaces – the auditorium, cafeteria, and gymnasium. The arts and music program spaces were included and are accessible after hours by the public. By virtue of its adjacencies to the academic section, the common spaces are isolated from the academic units to control unauthorized public spaces to student spaces. The media center, located above the main entrance, serves as a primary focal point for the renovated facility and aligns visually with the school’s athletic facilities.

– 2024 Merit Award in the Large K-12 Schools category of the Connecticut Building Congress Team Awards

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