Koskoff Koskoff & Bieder
AREA: 21,300 SF
Koskoff Koskoff & Bieder in Bridgeport, Connecticut commissioned Antinozzi Associates to design a 21,300 SF office space. Joshua Koskoff, a third generation Koskoff at the firm, and Jim Horwitz, the firm’s managing attorney, were looking for a design that would reflect their changing office culture.
Antinozzi Associates developed two contemporary concepts that illustrated two standard office sizes relative to attorney and paralegal roles. One concept reflected renovations at the existing office location and the other reflected a two-story office at a new location. After reviewing the designs and considering budget, the renovation fulfilled the needs of the firm and became the final selection.
Koskoff Koskoff & Bieder occupies the entire fifth floor, and 3,300 SF of the sixth floor, at 350 Fairfield Avenue. Built in the 1900’s, the existing concrete slab floors and mushroom capped columns became the ideal structure for a partially open ceiling concept. Taking advantage of the old structure, the design of the newly renovated floors provides a warm, inviting, and open office interior.
The original space had offices located along the perimeter with solid walls and doors which inhibited natural light into the rest of the office space. The walls were replaced with continuous butt-glazed and low walls to hide the backs of chairs and other furniture. A wood wainscot was applied to the low wall to provide the desired warmth. A private aisle was created to access all of the files needed by the staff at the core, and a common aisle was incorporated for the attorneys and their visitors at the glass office walls. These two aisles are separated by workstations of the administrative assistants.