GPP Corporate Mentoring HOF, Rocky Hill, CT – April 4, 2012

More than 130 Connecticut businesses, ranging from Fortune 500 corporations to small businesses, were honored for their commitment to youth mentoring and named to The Governor’s Prevention Partnership’s Corporate Mentoring Honor Roll during an award ceremony held in Rocky Hill.

The event entitled “Invest In The Future. Mentor A Child.” featured keynote speaker David Shapiro, CEO of MENTOR, the lead champion for youth mentoring in the United States. Shapiro addressed how state mentoring partnerships, like The Governor’s Prevention Partnership, are critical to the success of MENTOR’s efforts nationally, and applauded Connecticut business leaders for their outstanding support of youth mentoring.

In addition, three inaugural inductees of the Connecticut Mentoring Hall Of Fame were announced – one of which was our very own Michael Ayles, Principal of Business Development.  This prestigious award was created to recognize and honor individuals within a corporation or business who have significantly influenced the field of youth mentoring in the State.  The criteria for the selection of the business leaders who were nominated for induction included advocating for resources within their business or corporation, sustaining their corporae mentoring initiative, and acting as a role model for other mentors within their organization.

During his acceptance of the honor at this ceremony, Mr. Ayles spoke about his long time and proactive involvement as a board member for the ACE (Architecture, Construction and Engineering) Mentor Program of Connecticut, as well as his passion for mentoring within his profession of architecture.  He consistently applies his exceptional communication and leadership skills to mentoring both in Connecticut and throughout the country and is truly dedicated to strengthening the future workforce.

Mr. Ayles noted the work of his fellow ACE mentor colleagues, especially Jose Cardoso, Joel Smith, and Jennifer Cardoso at Antinozzi Associates, who work with high school students on projects that provide hands-on experience in design, engineering and construction challenges that industry professionals confront every day.  As an accomplished architect, an active member of his community, and a dedicated father, Mr. Ayles has used his many contacts over the past ten years to promote and expand mentoring.

Besides Mr. Ayles, Margaret Livingston, President & CEO of The Guilford Savings Bank and Laurance Selnick, Senior Vice President of Webster Bank were inducted into the Hall Of Fame.

Celebrating more than two decades of keeping Connecticut kids safe, successful and drug-free, The Governor’s Prevention Partnership is a statewide, non-profit public-private alliance, building a strong, healthy future workforce through leadership in mentoring and prevention of youth violence and bullying, underage drinking, and substance abuse.

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